Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day

Well along with almost 100 other schools, Ottawa Area Center was closed! Usually I would be thrilled to have a day off however because I'm subbing...I don't get paid! :( Plus, with a "blizzard" coming school tomorrow isn't very likely either. On the flipside...I got to spend the day with my Morgie! We were lazy all day (well, stayed in our comfy clothes)! We did go for "picnic" to the "park" for lunch! It was Morgan's idea to take her babies (Suzie & Molly) to the park.

After lunch we attempted to make cookies. I had a mix of gluten free cookies. So we made those before lunch. Let is firm up and then made cookies after lunch! Let's just say...we made one tray and then it was nap time! I did finish baking them while she was napping. Now we just need to frost them which will be another fun task!

pictures of the frosting to come soon!!! :)