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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was a VERY busy weekend. Saturday morning we walked in our annual CROP walk for church. This is Neal & I's fourth walk and Morgan's first. I did remember the camera however it had issues this weekend. So I didn't get a picture. A lady from church took one so if I get it soon, I'll post!

Sunday, my cousin joined Ridgepoint Church, so we went there in the morning (8:30 AM that's early!!) Congrats, Lori! After church we had coffee/lunch at Uncle Gene & Aunt Carole's. Neal's cousin was home on leave from Iraq so we had a good-bye party! (Continue to pray for him and all of our service men & women!) After coffee we headed to Van Andel to watch my brother graduate from Davenport! Again, I have no pictures of him except these two!

Morgan was such a trooper!!! She did awesome considering we were at Van Andel for 3 hours!! She did get to go for a walk with Grandpa after Travis got his diploma. Congrats to my brother!!! After graduation, my parents took us for supper at Outback Steakhouse (Thanks Mom & Dad!)