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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dentist Visit

Morgan needed to take her first trip to the dentist today!!! Not by choice!! Last night she decided to stand up (nothing new) except she fell right into the changing table. Neal & I just sat there and watched in was like slow motion! For some reason everything they say to do...I actually did. I stayed calm...give directions to Neal (who was still reliving what just happened) and put a cold wash cloth on it. She had blood from her lip and from her tooth. She cracked/chipped part of her tooth. So I called our friend Denise (a dental hygienist) and we discussed what we should do (since it was 10:15pm). Morgan had stopped crying and was actually laughing with Neal while she was looking in the mirror (I would laugh at Neal too!!!) Denise said call the dentist in the morning...I did that and he recommended seeing a ped. dentist and since my cousin works at one I called her.

We went in. The dentist looked at her tooth and took an x-ray. Everything looks fine...they were worried that it harmed the permanent tooth but it looked ok...there is a 35% chance that there could be a blemish. So we are very thankful there wasn't anything more serious!

So tonight every time she stands or walks, Neal & I both FREAK out!!!! Can we put her in a bubble or at least give her a helmet??????


girl meets carpenter said...

Poor Morgan :(

Keelie said...

Poor girl! And poor parents! It's horrid to watch your children get hurt! I'm not looking forward to the many times I'm sure I'll have these experiences! Especially with a boy!:/