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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Morgan & her boyfriend and being goofy

A couple weeks ago I was in nursery for church at night. I was in there with Morgan's "boyfriend's" sister, so of course Soloman wanted to stay and play too! He couldn't kiss her though because he had a cold and I think his mom really told him not too! So cute!!! Last night Morgan was talking on the "phone" to Soloman. Funny!!!!

Yesterday, was a crazy day. It was just busy running here and running there. Morgan ended up with a fever and cold early Monday morning (1 am!) She was burning hot! Last night I went and had the taxes done and came home to Morgan being Morgan again! She still has the cold but her fever broke! Thank goodness!!!!

She is such a hoot when she gets in one of her goofy moods!! Makes your day so much better watching her and hearing her giggle!