Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We did it!!!!

Last night Neal & I set up the crib that we are borrowing from my parents. We got it all together and realized that it is missing the side pieces that holds the sides up. We made it work for the night and hopefully we will get the rest of the pieces tonight. Neal thought it was safe enough and I agreed so we let Morgan sleep her first night in a crib. We have been using the pack-n-play. She also has been waking up between 2:30-4 every night for the past few weeks (maybe months) and I being lazy just picked her up and threw her in bed with us. BUT last night Morgan woke up at 5:30 and I changed her and gave her a bottle and she fell back to sleep until 7:15!!! I actually slept good last night!!!! So hopefully this wasn't a fluke and she is actually going to sleep better. Morgan is currently sleeping in the kitchen and hopefully when my parents get back from their vacation we can start the basement and get her in her OWN room!!!! (Then I can get my closet space back too!!!!)
Playing Peek-a-boo after we had it set up!
Sound to sleep at 6am yet and in her OWN bed!!!!!!!!!!


jodi said...

Yeah for Morgan! Hopefully she'll do well at night. It's hard going to work when you're exhausted after being up with a crying baby. She looks like she's such a happy little girl right now:)