Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 15, 2008

10 Months

Well, another month done. It is hard to believe that our little Morgan is 10 months old already. Where has the time gone? Morgan has figured out how to get around. She is crawling all over the place (she has been caught a few times crawling the "correct" way), she can climb stairs, pull herself up and is able to get down. She can tell you what a dog & cow say (imagine those two animals!!!) She enjoys reading and getting into things she shouldn't be getting into. She has two teeth that are starting to break the skin on the top. So she is a tad bit crabby but we still love her!!!!! She is "talking" a lot more and when asked to say "dada" she says "mama" (that's my girl!!!) We are very thankful for the blessing that we have and continue to enjoy each day has she discovers new things!!!!