Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Neal's Minute of Fame

Morgan waiting for Daddy's BIG show!

Last night we attended the Jam at the Van. Zeeland East played Zeeland West! We didn't (I at least) wasn't planning on going however last week Tuesday night Neal came home and said that he won tickets! Anything free, I'm all about it! Then he told me how he won these tickets. He had to shoot 3 pointers in 1 minute and had to shoot more then the other kid! He did that so he made it to Van Andel and went against another kid from Zeeland West. He lost to this kid! :( The kid that won shot 12 (I think) 3 pointers and won suite tickets to the Pistons in Feb. Bummer but Morgan & I are still proud!!!


Brandi said...

Wow, very cool! You are so right, anything free is a good thing! :0)

hope your new jobs are going well!