We have a case (hopefully the only one) of Pink Eye! Morgan was at Lindsey's yesterday and when I dropped her off her eye was a little water and had a eye "booger" in it but I didn't think anything of it. Lindsey called me later to tell me she thought Morgan had pink eye!! Great! Natalie had had it about two weeks ago and I didn't bring her there then and Lindsey cleaned everything...so I thought we were in the clear! NOPE! Hopefully Neal & I don't get it!! Lots of cleaning and hand washing!!!!Poor baby girl!!! We have to put drops in both eyes three times a day! Real fun! She screams and I feel so bad because I don't know how it feels!!! It looks like she got punched!!! She is still pretty happy so I guess it isn't bothering her too bad!!
3 years ago
Get better soon, Morgie :(
It is so weird how it made her eye look so little compared to her other one. I always thought it just got red. I hope she feels better soon. I also hope you and Neal do not get pink.
How is the new job? I am sooo excited for you Rachel. You have been waiting so long for this and totally deserve it. So yeah! Rachel!
Perhaps I couldn't find the comment button because it's the SAME COLOR AS THE BACKGROUND! Work on the font coloring!:)
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