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Monday, October 27, 2008

Not much new

I figured it has been a little bit since our last post (I don't want to get "mocked" by I'm posting something!) Football practice is officially done!!! It was nice to come home tonight and have supper being made (what a great husband!) It was also nice to be home and together before 8 at night!!! Morgan continues to amaze us! She has such a personality!!! She "talks" nonstop (don't know where she gets that from!!) She is such a bright ray of sunshine on such a cold day! Stay warm this week!!!! BRRRR!


Keelie said...

What a cutie!:) We got snow today, but it didn't stick. I heard we're supposed to get an inch tonight...we'll see. I love this time of year!:)
Glad you all are a family again!:)

Meeuwsens said...

ok...that doesn't really count as a post, does it? ha,ha Glad that Neal is home more...Brian is too!