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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Brownies AGAIN???

You guessed it...I had to make brownies again this week. Neal's team beat West Ottawa 42-0. They even tried to let them score (orders from me so I wouldn't have to make brownies!) No, such LUCK!!! Good job guys!!!

This was the first game that it was actually cold. The wind was awful but it wasn't raining or snowing so we were thankful for that!!! Hopefully we will have good weather for the next three weeks! In our warm car on the way for pizza!!


Keelie said...

Love the blog look! How much time do you have on your hands girl?!:)
You're a trooper! I can't imagine making it to all those games! The weather will probably get always does! I don't think Caedmon would do as well as Morgan seems to do. He does not fall asleep in our arms - the car and the crib is about it!:/