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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pumpkin Fest

On Saturday, my mom & I took Morgan to her first Pumpkin Fest Parade (it might have been mine too but supposively I've gone before!) We got to Zeeland about 2, parked the car, found our seats, walked around for a little bit, and got JUNK FOOD!!! We got back to our seats alittle bit before 3 and the parade was by us by 3:15. What a parade!!! It lasted almost a hour!! Morgan loved it!!! She enjoyed all of the animals and people waving at her! She also loved having candy thrown at her!!! What a fun and beautiful day! Thanks Grandma for spending the afternoon with us and for the junk food!!!

Morgan watching something in the parade!

Grandma & Morgan sporting their Hope College clothes!


US said...

Lover her stroller face. Priceless!

US said...

Eric and I were out on our walk and I was telling him about the blog. I told him that people would think I was prego b/c of my title. That came to mind as an after thought. And then we got home and guess who made that assumption. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Now that is a good-looking grandma!! :)